
Applying for SMBWO certification has to be accomplished via the Dutch Society for Immunology

Educators per university
Erasmus University Medical Center, Medical Immunology, Dr. W. Dik, w.dik[at]
LUMC, Dr. L.A. Trouw, l.a.trouw[at]
Maastricht University Medical Center, Dr. W.T.V. Germeraad, w.germeraad[at]
Radboud University Medical Center, Afd. Laboratoriumgen, Dr. A. van der Meer, arnold.vandermeer[at]
UMC Utrecht, Dr. H. G. Otten, h.g.otten[at]
University Medical Center Groningen, Dept of Rheumatology, Prof.Dr. F.G.M. Kroese, f.g.m.kroese[at]
University of Amsterdam and VU University Amsterdam, Dr. Anja ten Brinke, a.tenbrinke[at]
Overseeing committee

Dr. R. Brooimans, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam (chair)
Dr. A. Ioan-Facsinay, LUMC, Leiden (secretary)
Dr. P.A. Baars (AMC-UvA), Amsterdam
Dr. A. Lambeck, UMCG, Groningen


For general questions about the SMBWO you may contact the Secretary:

Dr. Ir Roelinka Broekhuizen

+31 (0)6 50835993


For administrative questions you may contact the secretariat:
Mw. I.F. Zonnenberg-Hoff
