Medical Microbiology

Applying for SMBWO certification MMO has to be accomplished via the overseeing committee of the Dutch Society for Medical Microbiology.

Educators per university
AMC Amsterdam, Afd. Medische Microb, Dr. A. van der Ende, a.vanderende[ad]
AMC Amsterdam, Afd. Med. Microbiolo, Prof.Dr. H.L. Zaaijer, h.l.zaaijer[ad]
Erasmus MC, Afd. Med. Micorobiol, Dr. C.H.W. Klaassen, c.h.w.klaassen[at]
Erasmus MC, Instituut voor Virol, Prof.Dr. M. Koopmans, m.koopmans[ad]
LUMC, Afd. Medische Microb, Prof.Dr. A.C.M. Kroes, a,c,m.kroes[ad]
LUMC, Afd. Medische Microb, Prof.Dr. E.J. Snijder, e.j.snijder[ad]
MUMC, Dr. L.B. van Alphen,
MUMC, Dr. Ir. P.F.G. Wolffs,
UMC St. Radboud, Hoofd Moleculaire Mi, Dr. W.J.G. Melchers, willem.melchers[ad]
UMC St. Radboud, Hoogleraar Medische , Prof.Dr. P.E. Verweij, paul.verweij[ad]
UMCG, Afd. Medische Microb, Dr.Pr A.W. Friedrich, alex.friedrich[ad]
UMCG, Afd. Medische Microb, Dr. J. Rossen, john.rossen[ad]
UMCU, Afd. Medische Microb, Prof.Dr. J.A.J.W. Kluijtmans,
Overseeing committee
Jacky Flipse (chair)
Dr. C. von Wintersdorff, MUMC (secretary)
Dr. B. Duim, Utrecht University
Dr. R. van Houdt, VUmc
Dr. ir. Jacky Flipse, Rijnstate

Registration form and procedures


For general questions about the SMBWO you may contact the Secretary:

Dr. Ir Roelinka Broekhuizen

+31 (0)6 50835993


For administrative questions you may contact the secretariat:
Mw. I.F. Zonnenberg-Hoff
